A third root functions

You will find the following example in the 03 A third root functions.py file under the folder /Examples. There is no need for copy paste work.

this example tries to find the minimum value of \sqrt[3]{(xy)^2}-x+y^2 where 9 - x**2 - y**2 >= 0. It has three minimizers (2,3),(1,2), and (2,2):

from Oasis.optimization import Optimization                    # Load the Optimization object
from Oasis.hsapi import HSapi                                  # Load the Harmony search api object

# define the objective functionand the constraints
def objfunc(x):
    f = power(x[0]**2 * x[1]**2, 1. / 3.) - x[0] + x[1]**2
    # inequality Constraint: 9 - x**2 - y**2 >= 0
    g = [x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 - 9]
    print('inequality Constraint = ' + str(g))
    print('Obj Fn value = ' + str(f))
    fail = 0
    return f, g, fail

create the Optimization Object, add variables and Constraint:

opt_prob = Optimization('A third root function', objfunc)
opt_prob.addVar('x1', 'c', lower=-3, upper=3, value=0.0)
opt_prob.addVar('x2', 'c', lower=-3, upper=3, value=0.0)
opt_prob.addCon('g1', 'i')

options = dict(filename ='results/03 A third root functions.txt')

Create Optimization solver Object (inhereted from the Optimizer) check the docs of HSapi:

opt_engine = HSapi(pll_type = "POA",options = options)

to use the hot start you have to store the history from a previous run with the filename parameters in the option dictionary (HSapi) and the store_hst when calling the optimizer

in the second run to use the history of the previous run just change hot_start when calling the optimizer to True

res = opt_engine(opt_prob, store_sol=True, display_opts=True, store_hst=True,
