Lasserre's Example

You will find the following example in the 02 file under the folder /Examples. There is no need for copy paste work.

this example tries to find the minimum value of −(x−1)2−(x−y)2−(y−3)2 where 1−(x−1)2≥0, 1−(x−y)2≥0 and 1−(y−3)2≥0. It has three minimizers (2,3),(1,2), and (2,2):

from Oasis.optimization import Optimization                    # Load the Optimization object
from Oasis.hsapi import HSapi                                  # Load the Harmony search api object

# define the objective functionand the constraints
# equality constraint has to come before inequality constraint
def objfunc(x):
    # Objective function
    f = -(x[0] - 1)**2 - (x[0] - x[1])**2 - (x[1] - 3)**2
    # Equality constraint
    g = [ (x[0] - 1)**2 - 1,
         (x[0] - x[1])**2 - 1,
         (x[1] - 3)**2 - 1]
    # print('Equality Constraint = ' + str(g))
    # print('Obj Fn value = ' + str(f))
    fail = 0
    return f, g, fail

create the Optimization Object:

opt_prob = Optimization("Lasserre's Example", objfunc)

define the decision variables to the Optimization Object:

opt_prob.addVar('x1', 'c', lower=-3, upper=3, value=0.0)
opt_prob.addVar('x2', 'c', lower=-3, upper=3, value=0.0)

define the objective function to the Optimization Object:


define the inequality Constraint to the Optimization Object:

opt_prob.addCon('g1', 'i')
opt_prob.addCon('g2', 'i')
opt_prob.addCon('g3', 'i')

create the options dictionary all the optimization parameters should be passed to the optimization object inside the option dictionary:

options = dict(hms=50, stopiters=1, fileout = 1, filename ='results/Lasserre.txt',
                prtinniter = 1, prtoutiter = 1, xinit = 1)

Create Optimization solver Object (inhereted from the Optimizer) check the docs of HSapi:

opt_engine = HSapi(pll_type = None,options = options)

call the solver to start the optimization process First the Optimizer object is going to check the order of the constraints call the optimizer ( then hs solver (HSapi.solve) Equality constraints have to come before inequality constraints:

res = opt_engine(opt_prob, store_sol=True, display_opts=True, store_hst=False,
